Photo | Entertainment President Lee Jin-ho YouTube capture
Entertainment YouTuber Lee Jin-ho, who is embroiled in the controversy surrounding the late Kim Sae-ron, drew attention on the afternoon of the 19th by claiming on his channel that the deceased was ‘married’ with an ordinary man living in the United States while she was alive. As evidence to support this, YouTuber Lee Jin-ho released a ‘recording’ of a conversation presumed to have been had between the deceased and an official from her former agency in early January.
The core of the recorded conversation between the late Kim Sae-ron and an official from her former agency presented by YouTuber Lee was to confirm the truth by focusing on a photo the deceased posted on her personal SNS early this year. Early this year, the late Kim Sae-ron posted several photos taken with a wedding pictorial concept on her SNS and wrote ‘Marry’. Regarding this, Kim Sae-ron‘s side explained, “These are snapshots taken with a friend. The marriage rumors are not true.“
In the recording, in response to an official’s question asking about the authenticity of the marriage, ”Did you have a (ceremonial) ceremony?“, the presumed deceased woman responded, ”Yes, it‘s already been done, overseas,“ and discussed future responses regarding photos posted on social media.
In the recording, the woman presumed to be the deceased also confessed, regarding the photo that sparked the controversy, that it was not her but a ”man who posted it on social media and he is managing the account.“
While releasing this recording, YouTuber Lee Jin-ho focused attention by interpreting the fact that Kim Sae-ron’s bereaved family is continuously releasing ”data from the deceased‘s cell phone“ to mean that ”they also know about the marriage.“ Lee also said that he ”feels a moral responsibility“ for the bereaved family’s concerns about him, but also complained that ”the situation is not normal“ and felt wronged.
Attorney Bu Ji-seok, the legal representative of the late Kim Sae-ron‘s bereaved family, filed a complaint against YouTuber Lee Jin-ho at the Seoul Metropolitan Police Agency on the 17th. Photo | Newsis
The bereaved family of the late Kim Sae-ron recently filed an official complaint with the police against YouTuber Lee for defamation, etc. The case was assigned to the Seodaemun Police Station on the 19th.
Meanwhile, the bereaved family claimed that Kim Soo-hyun, who admitted to having been in a relationship with Kim Sae-ron, ‘dated her when she was a minor’, and told the press that they would do ‘digital forensics’, such as photos, to prove this.
Reporter Heo Min-nyeong
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