Kim Nam-gil “‘How to Open a Door’ It was really good that they made it”

MOVIES Dec 02, 2024


The movie ‘How to Open the Door’, produced by Kim Nam-gil for young people preparing for independence, is receiving rave reviews.

The movie, which is receiving attention from audiences for its warm and pleasant story and high level of completion contained in its 31 minutes, successfully concluded its special GV held at Lotte Cinema World Tower in Jamsil, Seoul on the 29th of last month.

At the GV that day, producer Kim Nam-gil, directors Park Ji-wan and Heo Ji-ye, and actress Chae Seo-eun were in attendance and shared various stories with the passionate audience that filled the seats, hosted by moderator Lee Jong-gil.

Actor Kim Nam-gil, who is also the representative of cultural and arts NGO Gilstory, said, “The civic group NGO that I am involved in was preparing for the next campaign. When I was thinking about how to support young people preparing for independence, KB Kookmin Bank made a proposal. I know that you are thinking about and campaigning for youth preparing for independence, so I thought it would be good if we talked about it together, so we expanded it into a movie,” he said, explaining the reason for making the movie.

He continued, “I thought it was a story not only for youth preparing for independence, but also for those who are new to society or experiencing everything for the first time. I thought about when I first started acting and entered society. I was scared, but fortunately, I had many good people around me, so I think I received a lot of help. In that sense, I hope that this movie can give hope and courage to those around me,” he said, expressing his hopes that the movie’s meaning will be conveyed well as a producer and actor.

Director Park Ji-wan said, “We weren’t restricted at all,” and added, “One of our goals was to make a fantasy movie, but not use a lot of CG and try to make it as analog as possible. In order to do that, the set and other things cost a lot of money. The producer didn‘t touch me at all,” he said, drawing attention.

Kim Nam-gil said seriously, “The word ’producer‘ still feels awkward to me, but there are a few directions a good producer can take. I think a good producer supports me from behind so that I can express myself well within the available budget.”

However, he continued, “I was a bit surprised when I went to the set. When they implemented the moving parts of the set, they actually said, ”Hey, how much did this cost?“ behind the scenes,” making everyone laugh.

There were many questions from the audience at this GV due to their enthusiasm.

Regarding the character synchronization, actress Chae Seo-eun said, “’Haneul‘ is scared at first, but I pretend to be smart because I think I have to be. I have a lot of those sides too. I’m scared, but I try hard not to show it. That‘s why I think my synchronization is around 90%,” she boasted of her high character synchronization.

Lastly, Kim Nam-gil said, “I am so grateful to the two directors and actress Chae Seo-eun for making this movie so well that I think they did a great job. I hope that more people will watch it and gain strength from it since you all love the movie so much,” and ended the heated GV scene with a warm greeting.

Reporter Lee Jeong-yeon