Woman in her 30s who left malicious comments on IU fined [Entertainment News HOT]

MUSIC Dec 03, 2024


IU. Photo courtesy of | Idam Entertainment
IU. Photo courtesy of | Idam Entertainment
A woman in her 30s who was indicted for leaving malicious comments on singer and actress IU was sentenced to a fine in the first trial.

Judge Lee Kyung-sun of the 16th Criminal Division of the Seoul Central District Court sentenced woman A, who was indicted on charges of insult, to a fine of 3 million won on the 3rd. The prosecution had requested a sentence of 4 months in prison.

Earlier during the trial, A had appealed for leniency, saying, “I suffer from a mental illness and my writing skills are poor.”

A was sent to trial in 2022 on charges of posting 4 malicious comments disparaging IU‘s outfits and singing skills.

IU’s side plans to continue to respond strongly to malicious comments and rumors.

Reporter Lee Jeong-yeon annjoy@donga.com