JYP, ranked 3rd in the world for ‘Sustainable Growth Company’ by Time, USA [Entertainment News HOT]

MUSIC Dec 04, 2024


JYP Entertainment (JYP), the agency that houses groups such as Twice and Stray Kids, was ranked 3rd in the world for ‘Sustainable Growth Companies’ by the American weekly magazine TIME. According to JYP on the 4th (Korean time), JYP was selected as 1st in Korea on the list of ‘2025 World‘s Most Sustainable Companies’ announced by TIME and German market analysis firm Statista on the 28th of last month. In the evaluation field divided into technology, media & service, JYP scored 93.66 points, making it the only Asian company to make it into the top 10. Statista praised, “JYP achieved high scores in all fields including sales growth rate, financial stability, and sustainability.”

Reporter Yoo Ji-hye yjh0304@donga.com